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This course provides valuable marketing, prospecting, and conversation strategies and tactics that I and others have vigorously tested. My company, Koral Property LLC, is not a brokerage or realty. It is an independently owned LLC and not licensed for real estate in any way. This website, course, content, and all materials is for entertainment purposes only. All content is the intellectual property of Koral Property LLC, unless otherwise cited, it is not to be sold or distributed. If you wish to do so, you may apply to purchase distribution rights. This intellectual content has been developed through years of personal experience and any representation to any currently existing material is purely coincidental. Names have been changed to protect the innocent bystanders who were part of the life experiences learning these techniques. It is your responsibility to know the laws in your state or country in which you conduct real estate discussions, negotiations, transactions. Consult an attorney in your state about what is or is not allowed for your specific licensure status. Koral Property LLC nor 5 Script Secrets nor anyone affiliated in any of the videos, audio recordings, testimonials, case studies, or any materials makes claims or representation that by using or participating in these courses or trainings you will earn money or make your money back. Remember, this is for entertainment purposes only. Testimonials shown are real experiences. Their results are not typical, and your personal & business’s experience will vary based upon the action taking, effort and education of you, your experience, your licensure, your team, your business’s employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control. By proceeding or using any information provided, you. By proceeding, you will hold harmless and release Koral Property LLC from any legal proceedings.